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All Esperanza alumni are automatically lifelong members of the Esperanza Alumni Association, with the purpose of driving engagement of past Esperanza students and scholarship recipients by providing valuable opportunities for members that will ensure the sustainability of Esperanza.

Alumni Overview

From a small group of five scholarship recipients in the early 1980s, to a powerful group of more than 1,000 worldwide, the Esperanza Alumni Association has been keeping alumni connected with our cause.




An Esperanza Alumni Association Member has graduated high school and received an Esperanza Scholarship and/or has participated in an Esperanza program. Enroll or update your current contact information.


Are you an alum looking for a way to get involved in a leadership position? If you answered ‘Yes!’, send us an email to get started!

Volunteer opportunities

Esperanza offers many volunteer opportunities throughout the year. Learn more.


Support Esperanza programs, scholarships, events, and more. Learn more.




We seek partnerships with companies and organizations in hopes to deliver win-win situations. Through mutually beneficial relationships, the Esperanza Alumni Association can be an extension of your commitment to educational inclusion, career development, and diversity plans.

If you are a member of the EAA or a representative of an outside organization/company and would like to submit an opportunity, click here. Opportunities are carefully considered by internal Esperanza staff before sharing with members. More information…



Alumni Network

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