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Volunteer with Esperanza

Esperanza volunteers are more than just mentors and tutors, they give hope.

Esperanza serves nearly 1,000 individuals each year. This would not be possible without the support of our volunteers. Whether it is through mentoring or teaching ESL classes all our volunteers make a huge impact on the community we serve. Please consider becoming a volunteer today.

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We are currently seeking volunteers for:
  • High School Mentoring
  • College Mentoring - We are looking for professionals in our area to become College Mentors, people like you! We’d like you to share your academic and professional journey with our students. We accept all majors, but have a high demand on healthcare professionals (Nurses, PAs, Therapists, etc.). With the commitment of 30 minutes of communication a month for 12 months, you will be encouraging a student to not just get through college, but thrive and make the world a better place. This program is mostly virtual and pairs are required to meet in person once per semester. Please sign up and don’t hesitate to reach out to Germaine Peña if you have any questions about the program [email protected].
  • Adult Education - English As Second Language Bilingual in English/Spanish Instructors - classes are schedule virtual or in-person two days a week for 2 hours for a length of six week per cohort. Tutors for GED in Spanish - Commitment one hour per week virtual or in-person for adult learners that are taking the GED program using a software. Subjects: Social Studies, Math, Science and Language.

Fill out the Esperanza Volunteer Interest Form to get started.

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